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Online Lesson / オンライン英会話

【子供のオンライン英会話】効果あるの? 講師30人に聞いたホントのところ

Portugal / ポルトガル観光

【シントラ観光】リスボンから日帰りで行く 世界遺産シントラ&ロカ岬

Portugal / ポルトガル観光


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English Language Articles

2 Days in London – Part 4 | Perfect Itinerary: How to enjoy London in 48 hours

Here is the fourth instalment of my itinerary for tourists visiting London. In this article, I will introduce a 2-day itinerary in London in which you can enjoy typical tourist destinations.
English Language Articles

2 Days in London – Part 3 | Perfect Itinerary: How to enjoy London in 48 hours

Here is the third instalment of my itinerary for tourists visiting London. In this article, I will introduce a 2-day itinerary in London in which you can enjoy typical tourist destinations.
English Language Articles

2 Days in London – Part 2 | Perfect Itinerary: How to enjoy London in 48 hours

Here is the second instalment of my itinerary for tourists visiting London. In this article, I will introduce a 2-day itinerary in London in which you can enjoy typical tourist destinations.
English Language Articles

2 Days in London – Part 1 | Perfect Itinerary: How to enjoy London in 48 hours

What would you like to do when you come to London? In this article, I will introduce a 2-day itinerary in London in which you can enjoy shopping and afternoon tea while visiting all the typical tourist destinations as well.
English Language Articles

Best historic pubs in London you must visit – Part 3 | London Sightseeing

There are about 3,500 pubs in London alone and that makes it difficult to choose best ones to recommend. This third series is here to introduce you to a few more pubs that in my opinion are unique in one way or another. Again, I hope you will refer to this when planning your next ‘pub crawl’!
English Language Articles

Best historic pubs in London you must visit – Part 2 | London Sightseeing

Pubs are actually one of my favourite places to go to in the UK; they are so wonderfully “British”! You should not think of returning home from a visit to England without having had the experience of “going down the pub”…
English Language Articles

Best historic pubs in London you must visit – Part 1 | London Sightseeing

‘Going to the Pub’ is very much part and parcel of British culture. It would be a great shame to miss out on the opportunity to have a drink in a few pubs during your stay in London! So here, I’ll introduce you to the some of the best pubs in London; you really should visit them!
Greece / ギリシャ観光


Greece / ギリシャ観光


English Language Articles

The UK COVID-19 Timeline: What has an Asian expat witnessed? – Part 2

Britain, it seemed, had managed against all the odds to suppress COVID-19 in July; unfortunately, this was a false hope. I have described how this country, which once seemed to have made a miraculous recovery, was once again engulfed by COVID-19.
Overseas Life / 海外生活・駐在

【コロナ禍のイギリス】駐在者が見た「イギリスとCOVID-19」Part 2

English Language Articles

The UK COVID-19 Timeline: What has an Asian expat witnessed? – Part 1

UK is known to be the worst corona-stricken country in Europe. In this article, I will look back on the year from January 2020 to December 2020 and tell you what the actual situation was in the UK, focusing on the key events from a viewpoint of Asian expat.
Overseas Life / 海外生活・駐在

【コロナ禍のイギリス】駐在者が見た「イギリスとCOVID-19」Part 1

ヨーロッパの中でCOVID-19による影響が最も深刻だったイギリスで、一体何が起きていたのか? この記事では、2020年1月から12月の間に実際にコロナ禍のイギリス国内で起こった重要な出来事にスポットを当て、日本人の目線で見てきた全てをお伝えします。
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